After that, you can inject that pkg file into your PS3 console. PS3 PKG Builder is a very nice tool for you and after the use of this tool, you can convert any game into a pkg file. I will revert back to you as soon as possible with the solution. Now install Game, Patch and License pkg files on by oneįurthermore, if you need any assistance then you can write to me.Now go to the Package Manager > Install Package Files > Standard.Plug out USB stick from your PC and plug in your PS3 near to BD drive.Now copy or cut all 3 new signed pkg files and paste in your USB stick.Keep the signed pkg files and delete previous all pkg files.Now one by one drag and drop all three pkg files on the ps3xploit_rifgen_edatresign (After complete process you will get signed PKG files).Copy or cut all 3 pkg files and paste into the PS3xploit-resigner-master folder.Once the process successfully is done, you got three pkg files (GAME, PATCH, LICENCE).Now run “do” exe, wait for the process completion.Copy or Cut both folders and paste under the make backup pkg.Inside it, you can see two folders BLUSxxxxx and NPUBxxxxx A process will start automatically wait for the completion of the process and after that press any key to exit.After that drag and drop PS3_GAME Folder on the CFW2OFW Helper.Now open your GAME_FOLDER and copy PS3_GAME and paste it into the CFW2OFW V11 Folder.(Open PS3_Generate_LIC.DAT and drag and drop your game folder to PS3_Generate_LIC) If your game folder has not the LIC folder then create it with the help of PS3_Generate LIC.DAT.Make sure your game folder has LIC.DAT Folder (Mandatory).After extract, you got 3 folders: CFW2OFW V11, PS3_Generate_LIC.DAT, and make-backup-pkg.Download and extract PKG Maker Tools on your PC.The update introduces a series of useful applications, as well as a new tool called ELF FW Version Patcher and a fix for free-ps2.

The developer cfwprophet has just released version 1.3 of Fake PKG Tools, the suite of tools dedicated to the construction of fPKG packages that can be installed on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro firmware 4.05. Development Tools downloads - Package Maker 2008 by Shai Raiten and many more programs are available for instant and free download.