The previous “ON” setting has been renamed to “While Typing”.To confirm sending a message, a second hit of the Enter/Return key is required.Added “When Sending” Chat Preview option for updating chat previews only when attempting to send a message.System messages (non-player chat, such as command output) are displayed with a gray color indicator.For modified messages, the original secure text will also be displayed in the tooltip.Hovering over the icon will provide more information about the trust status.The icon is only visible when the chat screen is open.The colored indicator is always visible.The trust status of messages are displayed with both a colored indicator and an icon.

Messages that are detected as modified are marked as “Modified”.Messages with missing or invalid signatures are marked as “Not Secure”.Messages that are not signed with the Secure Chat system, or have been tampered with by the server will now be marked.The list of players on the Social Interactions screen now places entries for players with recently seen messages at the top of the list.Added a warning toast when connecting to a server that doesn’t enforce secure chat.The background of the chat preview will also display slightly faded when a preview is waiting to be signed.The indicator will be orange when Chat Preview is enabled and a preview is waiting to be signed.